

My journey through life

I started like everyone else by being born into this world. I don’t remember anything until I was maybe 12 years old when I first started feeling anxious and depressed.

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Freedom depends on no one but us. The more I am in control of myself and my mind the more free I am. We are all free from birth but over time we learn limits from our parents and society. These limits can be changed in several ways:

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Whole picture

When I am able to fully perceive the whole picture of my journey, the individual events have no effect on the whole, but at the same time they have a profound effect on it, which means that I am in full control of the resulting emotion, thought or action.

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Self-control is one of the most important things we can learn, every day of our lives. Self-control is a powerful ally in directing our lives towards what we want.

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Be conscious of your life

When you are conscious of your life you will transform not only your life but also the life of those around you. Here are a few benefits of living consciously:

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Attempt to describe God

I will try to approach the god visually this energy with the following description and picture: imagine the blood system in your body all those cells are interconnected here.

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When you are conscious of your life you will transform not only your life but also the life of those around you.