When you are conscious of your life you will transform not only your life but also the life of those around you. Here are a few benefits of living consciously:
1. You will no longer be caught up in victim games. When you are conscious of your life you know that you are the creator and so you actively take responsibility.
2. Whenever you are fully aware of the moment you can feel the love in every breath, perceiving what was not perceived before.
3. You are no longer fighting with yourself.
4. Improvement in all spheres of your life
5. You turn fear into what you want.
6. A clear mind. It is there most of the time what you want.
7. By becoming fully aware of your influence on life you become more free.
8. You are clear about what you want and don’t want.
9. An inner sense that everything you want is inevitable.
10. Developing intuition (you know who is lying and who is telling the truth).