

Thought Control

We can control thoughts if we want to.
I’ll show you how you can have the thoughts you want.

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Conscious change of direction

I’m experiencing what I don’t want right now, my emotions are coming out and my thoughts are becoming heavier than before. Moments when everything is falling apart.

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Death / transformation

Most of us have a fear of death. It is probably the most common fear, that we have as human beings.

Is death really that scary?

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Get out of a reality you don’t want

1. You are creator of your life
2. Your body can heal itself
3. Everything is possible
4. You are immortal being
5. You have all control over your emotions and thoughts if you want to.
6. Evil doesnt exist
7. “Out of matrix” or in control of your life.

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The world through my eyes

You were born a free man.  You were probably born in a hospital, where someone marked you, named you, gave you citizenship, a birth certificate and other “necessities”. I don’t mind being labeled, I’d much rather get a number saying I’m a citizen of planet earth.

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World Forum

World Forum. Focusing on debating between co creators on how we will support planet earth first then entire universe. With 24/7 lifestreaming worldwide so all brothers and sisters can see what we are doing.

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Journey to Unify Myself

Along the way, I got further to myself through the pain and suffering I was unknowingly creating with my approach to life. I wasn’t working, every time I was somewhere I felt like I shouldn’t be there, it was so strong that I couldn’t stand to be anywhere.

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Žádné další příspěvky k zobrazení

When you are conscious of your life you will transform not only your life but also the life of those around you.