Past, present, future
The past, present and future happen simultaneously, the past can be changed by our attitude in the moment. Just like the present and the future.
The past, present and future happen simultaneously, the past can be changed by our attitude in the moment. Just like the present and the future.
Why do I grow personally? So that I can experience what I want to experience. I can experience the thoughts that I choose to experience. Why is growth important in my life? Because I can choose my thoughts, I can find joy in walking, in crying.
Any reality can be changed, it is shaped from the inside out. And each of us has the tools inside to do it. I can be born poor (without love around) I will still have the same resources as rich with (love around).
I’ve experienced fear most of my life since I was a young child. The difference is that I had no idea how to work with fear before, no one showed me how fear can be transformed.
If we are able to grasp the truth that we ourselves create our external life, the word fact can only be associated with the fact that I can say with certainty that as a creator, whatever I consider to be a fact (in the long run) becomes a fact in my world.
How to improve your conversation? Let’s talk first about the meaning of the word as you and I understand it. Once we’re clear on how we understand it, we’ll move on to completeness.
In a second, a billion different possible realities will pass by. The only reality we can pinpoint is ours because we have control over it. It’s as natural to us as breathing.
You are human in this reality our soul has limited itself to give us and ourselves a unique experience. You create with your thoughts with your emotions. Illness and health are only possible if we allow it.
To me, being yourself means a state of joy, happiness, love, abundance, health, being yourself is the time when I am closest to myself, it is the time when I feel unity and connection with everything.
The direction we choose every second, we can fear, we can grow, we can feel love, we can feel unity. Where you go is in you, it’s in me, it’s in us.