What’s the most valuable thing I’ve learned in my short time on planet earth?
How I feel influences my life towards what I want and don’t want. Self-knowledge leads to feeling better about myself and that gives me a better chance in moving towards what I want.
Love is a kind of wisdom. It’s easy to create conflict. But to handle it without violence is something extraordinary and only the greats can do it.
Self-love is the cornerstone of love for all others.
The art of directing my thoughts towards what I want. By directing my thoughts I can create happiness for myself and those around me.
Abundance is a state of mind. As someone who has had nothing most of my life, I have come to understand that worrying about where I will sleep or what I will eat only fed the state I was in.
Wealth is a state of mind not a bank account status. It’s great that you’re making billions. It’s great that you bought a new 50+5 house. It’s top that you got a new yacht for a bunch of people. But you know, have you applied the 100% rule yet? What’s that? Well, for every toy I buy, I give 100% of the price to planet earth and its people as a thank you for the opportunity to have these toys. I have them because of the world and all of you.
Fear is a player in the lives of people all over planet earth. It’s natural. But the moment you push yourself and your boundaries, fear dissolves. You find that fear can only reside in a fearful mind. As fear was natural to me, today love for both myself and you is natural to me.
Fate is not inevitable, it is malleable. How I approach a situation will create a new destiny. Destiny is created over and over again by my attitude, radiance and determination.
Anything is possible. It’s up to you which direction you take and whether your life is filled with love or fear. I’m not saying one is better than the other, or that one is negative or positive, I’m just saying it’s up to you what kind of life you live.