Progress Through Dialogue: Evolving Perspectives on Facts
You make a fair point. Facts are based on our current understanding and evidence about the world. And our collective knowledge does evolve over time.
You make a fair point. Facts are based on our current understanding and evidence about the world. And our collective knowledge does evolve over time.
I will try to approach the god visually this energy with the following description and picture: imagine the blood system in your body all those cells are interconnected here.
Intuition is one of the inner processes it is like a compass if you listen to your intuition you know which way to go, you know the truth and the lie.
Myšlenky > Emoce > Akce > Zhmotnění.
Uvedu příklad, který se týká nás všech.
Thoughts > Emotions > Actions > Materialization.
I’ll give an example that applies to all of us.
Lidé říkají, „kdyby tu nebyla vláda, začala by doba temna“. Já říkám „respektujme tyto základní zákony a všechno bude v pořádku“.
People say if the government wasn’t here the dark ages would begin. I say respect these basic laws and everything will be fine.